Please Note: Excuse any offensive language, and again this is more of a pondering post as opposed to a commentary on any lifestyle.
So it is pretty well known that for a relationship to work you need to find a balance between Intimacy, Friendship, and Sex, in order for it to be successful. Now if someone has Intimacy and friendship but no sex? what is the relationship? Pretty much just a Close Friend. Now what happens if all you have is Sex without the friendship or intimacy? what do you have? Some would say "a fun time" or "the perfect life" or an "experience" etc. These all hold some truths, however as human beings we by nature need companionship. We need a partner to share our lives with, to hold us through the good times and bad, and for us to be there for them as well. Now this is just my opinion so of course i can be wrong, but it seems to me that when all you have is sex. i.e. a purely physical sexual encounter, what exactly is the end goal of that experience? Is it just to "get off" is it just to "sow your oats" (cue the 100s of other cheesy lines) what is the purpose? Now many of my friends give me different answers to this question, however again this is my opinion, I feel that recreational sex does not really serve a purpose. The key is to find that balance to make the experience worth something. Now that doesn't mean everyone should be looking for long term relationships and marriage and nothing else, but when someone is having any type of sexual experience shouldn't there be more to it than just "hey your hot, lets f*ck"? shouldn't there at least be another aspect to the connection between the two people, just as any other relationship in life cannot simply be based off one thing. Even at work you cant work successfully with a coworker if all you have in common is that you both sit in a cubicle.
Now we live in a world where we have access to sex almost instantaneously but access to intimacy and friendship ironically has regressed. In the gay world (and this is referring to gay men only because i dont know if LTQ works the same) we are even more sex oriented than other social denominations. We have more apps than anyone else for sex, we have more clubs and parties per capita than most, (specifically in the city culture) and there seems to be a genral oversexualization in the gay world. The reason for that may be anything from "two men = more tesosterone" to "out of closet im a free bird!", however what is the end goal? does the gay world have a true value system? theres are questions not accusations?
As someone who lives in NY and is exposed to one of the largest gay populations in the world, the more I see, the more I feel lost and unsure of what the future holds for a gay man in the 21st century.
Again the point of this post is to discuss, not to write off anyone's lives.