So some of what I write may sound harsh but it's my perspective and it is meant to be hopefully constructive.
The LGBT community is a mess. Intolerance, bigotry, and elitism is the norm, drug use is practically as common as drinking, and the leadership within many LGBT organizations is controlled by hateful radical agenda driven people. These leaders have no place being in charge of organizations that claim to be about helping troubled LGBT youth and closeted people, when they are pushing political agendas and fighting non LGBT causes while being funded by unsuspecting donors.
Intolerance, Bigotry, and Elitism:
So yes there is a horrific within the LGBT community and More-so the gay community specifically. The typical experience for a closeted gay man is to be fed propaganda by videos, articles, and write ups about how coming out is what will make everything better. However the actual truth is actually shockingly different. The first thing is you are judged by your appearance if you don't fit the ideal look you are tossed aside or pushed toward a "sub community" where you are told you will fit in better due to your sexual preferences or physical build. That in itself is so awful on so many levels, however the average gay man barely thinks about it because the desperate need to feel part of a community overshadows the stark bigotry. Then there is the rift between different factions of LGBT like the gays vs lesbians mantra which is now become an endearing joke somehow between the two communities. The Intolerance of religious LGBT people within LGBT circles is so bad that many LGBT people have become the intolerant people they have fought against in the first place. Ageism, gossip, and just old fashioned nastiness are the social norms across many gay communities.
Leadership and Radicalism:
A large majority of the loud voices of LGBT leadership have decided that it is their responsibility to fight for radical causes that have absolutely no connection to the gay community whatsoever, and this takes precedent to working on life or death issues within the community itself.
Personal experiences:
I understand some of you who are reading this may just write this off as the rankings of a bitter blogger and I understand why you may think that. However I still feel it is important to speak about my experiences and maybe someone will read it and take it seriously. I have done a lot of. Volunteer work within the LGBT community for the last 5 years. it wasn't altruism it was a mixture of many different reasons. But over the years what I have seen surprised me. The amount of intolerance, hatred, backstabbing, and inexplicable bitterness astounded me every time I came across it. Not to mention the criticism I received after any event I produced (for free). Now I do not want to play victim because I'm not a victim. Over time I learned the ropes and played the game like everyone else. However it came to a point where I realized my core values do not align with current LGBT community. But I cannot just walk away. How can I after spending 5 years working with optimism towards something I thought would make things better for our community. It's a dilemma I am in currently.
We need to admit our problems and start owning up to them. Otherwise nothing will change and the perpetual cycle of negativity will continue.
Now to anyone reading this who is closeted or newly out don't be discouraged. Be prepared. Do your research and realize that no community is perfect and especially one that is so new and highly charged. You are the next generation. Reshape the LGBT world in a better way. Join and create activist groups that work on change the community itself from the inside instead of always fighting the easy and obvious target "them" the non gays. If we are to survive as a community we must must evolve into a community of more than whatever we are now. There is a future IF the new generation takes responsibility and leads the LGBT community into a place of tolerance compassion and understanding between ourselves.