Sunday, July 3, 2011

Marrying a Lesbian?

 What are the alternatives to having a steady relationship with another man?

Well of course i want to have the dream jewish family, kids, a home, yom tov with the family etc, but one thing i will never do is marry someone i am not attracted to, without them knowing, one its probably against halacha, and two i would be living a lie, i am not judging anyone that has, it is not in my place to do so, but i know that i could never do that.

So whats the alternatives? well either you find a straight frum woman who doesn't mind someone who cant provide sexual intimacy, or you make an arrangement with a gay frum girl, who is technically in the same boat as you, and marry out of convenience, i wonder if this has been done before, and if it can work out...

1 comment:

  1. I think its appropriate in your position to get in a relationship with a dude...

    If you want kids- try to picture the loving devoted couples, who are infertile. What do they do? Such people find ways all the time. Gays too.

    Then find a nice group of Jews to daven with. Even frummy people are becoming a bit more tolerant every year.

    Presto. And Im with you 100% and I agree with the part about not marrying one of my girlfriends without her knowing

